Great purchase, I was on the fence for months to buy one, then I picked up a second helmet and had to get them off of the kitchen table. Worked as described, very easy to put together. Recommended for those in apartments who don't want to drill holes in the walls.
My first helmet cover purchase and I’m loving every minute of it. Turning heads! Gettin waves and smiles! Cars are even moving out of my way to get a look! It’s great! Awesome quality. Definitely worth every penny!
Once again MotoLoot delivers a quality product! These look great on your motorcycle, car, whatever you can put them on. Heck you could probably even make a cool necklace or just have something to fidget with.
Chris is an awesome owner! Originally these slipped through the cracks, he responded to me in less than 24 hours and literally had them in my mailbox in 2 days. You should also check out their helmet and jacket mounts. I have 2 of them and love them! Super sturdy and very convenient!
Thanks so much again Chris and the MotoLoot team!!! 🤘🏻